Suzani Textiles Manina Baumann at Home

Suzani Textiles Manina Baumann at Home

”Ardent fabric collector, Suzani expert” (House and Leisure, Sept 2021), Manina Baumann, hosts us in her beautiful home and Suzani gallery, in City Bowl – Higgovale.

Manina has been importing and supporting Suzani embroidery art from Uzbekistan since 2012. These exquisite silk and cotton textiles are hand-embroidered by women and take years to make. Her business is aptly called Bukhara to Cape Town: Suzani Textiles.

Manina studied Textiles at Stellenbosch University in the 1970s. Ancient Silk Road history first captivated her then. She says “Each Suzani tells a quiet story to those who understand…one of motifs and colour that speak magical messages.”

Very small group of eight.

Available as a private tour at a mutually convenient date.