”Ardent fabric collector, Suzani expert” (House and Leisure, Sept 2021), Manina Baumann, hosts us in her beautiful home and Suzani gallery, in City Bowl – Higgovale.
Manina has been importing and supporting Suzani embroidery art from Uzbekistan since 2012. These exquisite silk and cotton textiles are hand-embroidered by women and take years to make. Her business is aptly called Bukhara to Cape Town: Suzani Textiles.
Manina studied Textiles at Stellenbosch University in the 1970s. Ancient Silk Road history first captivated her then. She says “Each Suzani tells a quiet story to those who understand…one of motifs and colour that speak magical messages.”
Very small group of eight.
Available as a private tour at a mutually convenient date.